
T.I.P.S. is the minimum requirements for Token Layer as defined in the TokenScript Design Paper

The TIPS are:

Trust : User can trust a token to be used on a 3rd party website.

Interoperability : A token can be used on a 3rd party websites and with other tokens too.

Privacy : A website that uses a token can only learn what they were supposed to.

Security : User should be able to transact securely, knowing what they will spend and get from the transaction.

On top of TIPS, there are 2 lesser requirements that didn't make it into the acronym:

Availability : Tokens should work as long as the underlying blockchain smart contracts are working, not depending on the availability of specific websites.

Cost effectiveness : Allow the use of attestation over transactions.

We make tokens smart

Smart Token Labs is the creator of TokenScript and AlphaWallet two open source solutions for a tokenized future.