Distinct Attribute
Distinct Attributes are used to identify a token.
A distinct attribute is defined by setting
true.<attribute name="vin" distinct="true">
If there is only one distinct attribute in a token, then the number of unique values of this attribute determines how many token instances are there.
Note: Each Token is identified by a attribute-value pair where the attribute has to be a distinct
attribute. See more in Token Identifier
If there is no distinct attribute defined in a Token, TokenScript Engine takes a default
value ownerAddress=${ownerAddress}
as its Token Identifier.
A Car Ownership Token
In this example, which is part of a TokenScript that defines a
Car Ownership Toke. Vehicle Identification Number ("vin") is an
attribute that identifies a
<ts:attribute name="vin" distinct="true">
<ts:string xml:lang="en">Vehicle Identification Number</ts:string>
<ethereum:call function="getCars" contract="CarOwnership"/>
VIN is a distinct token, each distinct values of this attribute is used to create a distinct
token. So, let's say that the function getCars()
in this example returns an
array of two values:"KL3TA48E9EB541191", "KL3TA48E9EB541192"
Then, the TokenScript engine should interpret that there are 2Car Tokens, identified the
following two Token
Both are instances of the Car Token. If the TokenScript engine is running in a user's wallet, it would render two distinct cars.
The following code defines a distinct attribute called tokenId.
<ts:attribute name="tokenId" distinct="true">
<ethereum:call function="balanceOf" contract="EntryToken">
<ts:uint256 ref="ownerAddress"></ts:uint256>
the smart contract returns 2 values for it:
In fact, this attribute can be found in all ERC721 tokens, as ERC721 requires an attribute tokenID to identify a token. However, such a design may not suit other tokens who doesn't benefit from being shoe-horned into ERC721.